
Reserve your place at the conferences you're interested in

Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   10:00 am - 10:30 am
Ribbon-cutting ceremony and institutional greetings
Business Outlook. Global innovation and local production: the evolution of materials, technology and furniture markets
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   10:30 am - 11:15 am
Lorenzo Tavazzi
Senior Partner and Head of Scenarios and Intelligence, The European House of Ambrosetti
Jörg Buck
Managing Director AHK Italien
Edi Snaidero
President EFIC - Confederazione Europea dell’Industria del mobile
Alessandra Tracogna
Partner, Senior Expert, Custom Market Research CSIL
Piero Paganoni
President of Gruppo Legno, Confindustria Bergamo
Roger Reichert
Customer Experience & Marketing Specialist
Alfonso Tentori
Commercial Director Enterprise, Direzione Regionale Lombardia Nord, Intesa San Paolo
Environmental product certification, the demands of the Italian and international market
Hall B - TREND STAGE   11:00 am - 11:40 am
Franco Bulian
General Director Catas
Simona Faccioli
Director REMADE in Italy
Sustainable recycling of mattresses, adhesive-proof
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   11:30 am - 12:00 pm

More than 40 million mattresses are thrown away every year in Europe alone. The mattress industry is an example of how much resources are wasted and how many valuable resources end up in landfill at the end of a mattress' life. Julien Heusser, CTO of SIMALFA®, will discuss the opportunities and possibilities offered by water-based recyclable adhesives today and what developments there are in relation to the new generation of bio-based adhesives.

Julien Heusser
CAM and LEVEL FEMB, a new vision for minimum environmental criteria for furniture
Hall B - TREND STAGE   12:00 pm - 12:40 pm
Silvio Rispo
Office Furniture Advisor, Expert in environmental certification
Giuseppe Sartore
Product certification manager DVO, first Level certified company in Italy
The information and management backbone for the smart factory 5.0
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

How to utilise the benefits of Transition 5.0 by optimising the production area and decreasing waste and consumption?
During the presentation, it will be explained how to measure and increase production efficiency through a modular application suite and state-of-the-art integrated systems.

Matteo Momesso
SMC a DGS Company
Vito Minervino
SCM Group
Lifestyle Trendsetting: the new spaces for living, working and travelling
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Giulio Salvadori
Director of the Osservatori Internet of Things, Connected Car & Mobility e-Smart City, Osservatori Digital Innovation - School of Management - Politecnico di Milano
Sergio Buttiglieri
Style Director San Lorenzo
Renato Antonini
Journalist and motoring expert, About Camp

Focus on automotive: Astrid Van der Auwera, Design Manager BASF Coatings expert on sustainable color trends for automotive

Panel Discussion

Franco Caimi
Managing Director Caimi Brevetti
Erika D’Amico
Brand & Communications Director Gruppo Colombini
Felix Strangfeld
Senior Technical Manager Fiber Bonding EMEA BASF Österreich GmbH
Silvana Riboldi
Head of Sales Formenti & Giovenzana
New accessories and components for multi-functional kitchens
Hall B - TREND STAGE   1:00 pm - 1:40 pm
Andrea Federici
Federici Consulting
Michele Marcon
Michele Marcon Designer
OPK EUROPE: A company with a large range of products for furniture, room-dividing and building
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

At interzum forum italy 2024 we will exhibit products for room partitioning and furniture. There will be various applications of the innovative Perfect Slims system for room division. The full range of coplanar and single and double recessed sash sliding systems will be present.
We will also display a full range of products for the sleeping area with sliding systems, sliding doors and accessories.

Michael Müller
Managing Director OPK Europe
From design to print, the digital changes supplies
Hall B - TREND STAGE   2:00 pm - 2:40 pm
Alessio Elli
Co-founder Elli Design Furniture
Gabriele Tanini
Chief Marketing Officer SMC a DGS Company
MorganTecnica and Thagora meet the challenges of global leather upholstery industry
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

The leather upholstery industry is facing major challenges worldwide. The continuous sophistication of end customers’ tastes lead to a higher degree of products customization. At the same time, the price of materials on a global scale and the cast of the highly qualified workforce are very important aspects. MorganTecnica & Thagora offer the best-performing technical solutions for the core of this business: the leather cutting room.

Anton Stahl
Technical Consultant MorganTecnica Spa
Enrico Bonato
Area Manager MorganTecnica Spa
Hettich – Innovation and the future
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

How Hettich meets the challenges for the future by investing in Innovation, Sustainability, Product. Focus onFurnSpin and AvanTech YOU Illumination.

Francesco Brambilla
Managing Director Hettich Italia SRL
Microarchitectures: through design the vision of a new open-air living space
PRODUCT STAGE AREA - TREND TALK   3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Giulia Delpiano
Founder and Architect®
Corrado Conti
Co-Founder and Designer®
Sergio Redaelli
Managing Director Crippaconcept

Moderated by
Francesca Russo
Editorial Director Design Diffusion World
New production processes and technologies for the bedding industry
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
In partnership with Möbelfertigung

Circular models for the bedding industry, system design, materials and processes

Martin Kloti
Managing Director Glarnish Textile, President Matratzen Allianz

The traceable mattress: future challenges and the possibility of implementing the digital product passport

Question and answer session between
Rik Holvoet
Co-founder and Managing Director TripleR and
Ronja Zoppke
Marketing and Sustainability Manager Aquinos
New office systems and surfaces, the use of evolutionary artificial intelligence in R&D processes
Hall B - TREND STAGE   3:00 pm - 3:40 pm
Emilio Billi
Founder A3Cube Inc.
Stefano Serra
Partner & COO Adam

Moderated by
Paola Cecco
Director Office Layout
E-commerce and digital marketing: new strategies for finishing and furniture
Hall B - TREND STAGE   4:00 pm - 4:40 pm
Nicola Davanzo
Head of Sales Italia
Simona Lovati
Founder Slovati
Contract in hospitality: tailor-made innovation
PRODUCT STAGE AREA - TREND TALK   4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Federico Spagnulo
Founder Spagnulo&Partners
Paolo Comacchio
Group Director Panzeri 1947

Moderated by
Francesca Russo
Editorial Director Design Diffusion World
Containable and flexible, the kitchen of the future
Hall B - TREND STAGE   5:00 pm - 5:40 pm
Davide Pavanello
Founder Davide Pavanello Lab and member AIPI - Associazione Italiana Professionisti Interior Designers
Francesca Foglia
Lombardy Delegate AIPI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Interior Designer
Communicating sustainability: what changes with the Green Claim Directive
Hall B - TREND STAGE   11:00 am - 11:40 am
Edward Ruggeri
Environment Department, Legance Avvocati Associati
Federico Longo
ESG Department, Legance Avvocati Associati
"Made in Morgan" software to support furniture design and production
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   11:00 am - 11:30 am

Morgan Tecnica presents Mastermind, an advanced software for furniture design and production, optimising planning and ensuring significant fabric savings. 2DeLight, on the other hand, is the new 2D version dedicated to the Furniture, Automotive and Accessories industries that promises greater efficiency and precision in design processes.

Federica Giachetti
President MorganTecnica
Gianmario Bianchetti
Chief of R&D Department - Software Division
Textile developments and innovation, between comfort and eco-design
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   11:30 am - 12:15 pm
In collaboration with Möbelfertigung

Digital Product Passport: how to turn compliance obligations into profit

Rik Holvoet
Co-founder TripleR

Creating value through eco-design: sleep comfort and recyclability on a large scale

Ronja Zoppke
Marketing & Sustainability Manager Aquinos

Solutions for a circular economy in the Swiss mattress market

Martin Klöti
Managing Director Glärnisch Textil and President Matratzen-Allianz

Panel Discussion
How the bedding industry is positioning itself towards the European Ecodesign regulation

Moderated by
Frederik Lauwaert
Director EBIA Mattress Association
Matteo Grassi
President and CEO Gruppo Grassi
Julien Heusser
Chief Technology Officer SIMALFA®
Anna Cottuni
The Vita Group
Building the future: resilient solutions
AREA PRODUCT STAGE - TREND TALK   12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Paolo Lugaro
Lead Product Designer Pininfarina Architecture
Ivan Tallarico
Co-founder and CEO Designtech Hub

Moderated by
Francesca Russo
Editorial Director Design Diffusion World
Surfaces, reduced thicknesses and limitless performance
Hall B - TREND STAGE   12:00 pm - 12:40 pm
Alessandro Carrara
CEO Carrara Srl, Design, technology and surfaces consultancy company
Daniele Martelloni
Border and digital printing expert, Partner Decorleader
Giancarlo Pacini
Architect & Design Sales Manager Cosentino
Formenti & Giovenzana - A "Pocket" Multinational Company in Brianza
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

A Multinational Pocket Company synonymous with efficiency and widespread distribution
The company offers innovative solutions, including hinges, slides, drawers, vertical openings, pistons, sliding systems and accessories contributing to better interior space management in household furniture, enhancing customer satisfaction levels.

Gaia Formenti
Marketing and Communication Manager, Formenti & Giovenzana
Towards a circular economy: from the Ecodesign Directive to the Electronic Product Passport (EPP)
Hall B - TREND STAGE   1:00 pm - 1:40 pm
Matilde Ceschia
Referent LCA Catas
Nicola Semeraro
President Consorzio RILEGNO
Cristina Riva
Vice-President Consorzio VERO LEGNO
Color Material Finish Design: between the physical and digital worlds, in search of new codes
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   1:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Emma Clerici
Material Research Director and
Manuela Bonaiti
Architect and Strategy Director, Baolab
Ursula Geissmann
Housing Analyst and Trend Expert
Barbara Del Curto
Ordinary Professor Politecnico di Milano

Focus on automotive: Claudia Khalil, General Manager, Khalil Design

Panel Discussion

Flavio Borghesi
Marketing Manager Tabu
Francesca Filippi
Export and Marketing Manager Filippi 1971
Sandro Marini
Communication and Art Director Musa
Improve productivity and organization through electrification of workstations
Hall B - PRODUCT STAGE   1:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Electrification of workstations has become a key strategy to optimize space and increase productivity in various work environments. It is therefore necessary to install power sockets integrated directly into the workstations which reduce or eliminate the need for cables and extensions, even unsafe ones.

Oliviero Tronconi
Politecnico di Milano Professor
Designing for sustainability and being sustainable between architecture and business
PRODUCT STAGE AREA - TREND TALK   2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Dario Donati
Founder and Design Principal Spatialconnection(s) Studio
Bruno Deserti
Head of Krion Solid Surface Italy

Moderated by
Francesca Russo
Editorial Director Design Diffusion World
Low-thickness ceramics: performance and new applications in the furniture industry
Hall B - TREND STAGE   3:00 pm - 3:40 pm
Marco Bandieri
Furniture Key Account Manager Laminam
Domenico Cerqua
Store Manager Milano, Bergamo e Brescia, Riflessi
Martina Cioci
Slabs Marketing Account, The Top Marazzi
Low-impact materials and supply chain sustainability: how supplies evolve
Caravaggio Room - TREND TALK   3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Sascha Peters
Founder and Owner Haute Innovation
Federico Brugnoli
Founder and CEO Spin360
Roberto Simonutti
Associate Professor Department of Materials Science, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Micol Costi
Materials Expert & Sustainable Innovation Consultant

Panel Discussion

Elena Caravaggio
Sustainability Manager Italy, BASF Italia
Nicola Iaccheri
Key Account Architecture Supervisor Laminam
Giampiero Mariottini
Marketing Manager Listone Giordano
Maurizio Riva
President Riva1920